
Money tree plant
Money tree plant

money tree plant

If the soil is consistently saturated rather then just moist then the water excludes oxygen from the soil and prevents root respiration. Whilst money trees are tolerant of periods of damp soil due to their environmental adaptions they do require the soil to dry somewhat between bouts of damp soil. Money trees are native to the Mexico and South America where it grows in forests that can be seasonally flooded and yet also experience periods of dry weather. Money trees can tolerate damp soil for significant periods but if the soil is saturated, this excludes oxygen from the soil which prevents root respiration which causes the money tree’s leaves leaves to turn yellow and drop off. The reason for money tree leaves turning yellow is usually because the soil is too damp. The pot is too small and the roots have exhausted the available nutrients, not enough light, the soil has been saturated for too long which prevents root respiration and potentially causes root rot. Yellow leaves with a drooping or wilting appearance that can eventually drop off.


Keep reading for how to save your dying money tree… Money Tree Leaves Drooping, Turning Yellow and Dying If the temperature is too cold the leaves also drop off. If the temperature is too hot the money tree typically suffers from drought stress with brown leaves that wilt and drop off. Money trees can tolerate the typical range of temperatures of most homes, preferring a temperature range of 53.6☏ and 77☏ (12 ☌ and 25 ☌). To revive a dying money tree ( Pachira aquatica), it is important to recreate the conditions of high humidity, consistently moist soil and to shade the money tree from direct sunlight, so it can recover.

money tree plant

Money trees prefer to grow in shade and can scorch brown in direct sunlight.Ī money tree dies back when it is living in conditions are contrary to the conditions of its natural environment. Low humidity and excessively dry soil cause the money tree’s leaves to turn brown with a wilting, dying appearance. A dying money tree is usually because of root rot due to overwatering or poor drainage which causes the money tree’s leaves to droop, turn yellow and drop off.

Money tree plant